Netiquette Rules

Hi guys! Back with another Blog, in this blog, it will be about the netiquette rules.

A netiquette rule is a rule that you follow that anywhere, the internet, reality and your life.

My Netiquette Rules are:

Never spam, because its unwanted and you might get reported for the misuse.

Never respond to junk mail as they are a waste of time and may be fake.

If you want an image from the web don’t just copy the image, because it might be copyright and that person might have put lots of work into that image itself.

Never overuse emoji’s because they can irritate people on social media.

Always be patient with internet newbies because they had just starter using the web, you know you were there in the same situation when you had just started as well.

Never talk about gossip, especially the ones that aren’t really true.


So that was the Netiquette rules that I follow in my daily routine.



  1. Noah · March 27, 2017 at 4:36 pm ·

    Hi thomas
    I am impressed by your netiquette rule list! Good stuff. Keep up the good work!

    • thomasc7a2017 · March 28, 2017 at 3:08 am ·

      Thanks for the great feedback!

  2. rp07932 · April 18, 2017 at 6:06 am ·

    Dear Thomas the netiquette rules that you use can maybe add or change what people do on the internet and your friends too. I like how you listen and follow the rules so please keep up at following and sharing stuff like this and change peoples minds. #4 LIFE
    From: Ryan