The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet

Hey Guys,

Back with another blog, as we all know the internet is an amazing place for education, it has a ton of information that you can find out for hours and hours of browsing, but sometimes it is an unsafe place, and it is like a haven for hackers and viruses, they can get you credit card number and use it for themselves. There are many hackers and viruses that can make your internet browsing a pain and might destroy your experience. The internet is also a great place for gamers as it has an amazing platform for gaming in a few clicks of a button.


The advantages of the internet are truly amazing, cat vines, farting unicorns, funny videos are endless. Gaming on the internet is fun, as well as downloading apps such as Steam. Steam is a third party app that you can download and play but you have to use money to buy some games, don’t worry It’s not a virus. The advantages of the internet are amazing. There are so many things you can discover and learn as well as learning to use it wisely, you can download anti-virus software for free that can protect you PC or smartphone.

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The disadvantages of the internet are really disappointing. This is because of hackers, malware and viruses that can really damage your computer, and stalkers. They are really horrifying, if they can track you on the internet and know your personal information, then they can track you in reality. They can get personal information out of your accounts and use it at their will. This is because they can use the internet as a trap. Pop ups such as, you have won a free IPad, click here to win. These pop ups can lead you right in their trap, because you would have to go through a private survey that includes your email address, your age, where you live, and your phone number. This is really dangerous because they now know where you live, what your phone number, your age, and your email address. They now can use your information at their will.


The internet is an amazing place but there are bad people that want your private information.

What do you think about the internet? Comment and let me know.



  1. Olivia · March 2, 2017 at 10:28 pm ·

    This post is very detailed and organized, good job! I also think the internet can be fun but very dangerous sometimes. I don’t think people are aware of the things that could happen to their social media and personal stuff. Visit my blog:

    • thomasc7a2017 · March 27, 2017 at 4:29 am ·

      Thanks for the awesome comment!

  2. E.Caba · March 6, 2017 at 11:05 pm ·

    Hi Thomas,
    I am going to be your mentor throughout the March 2017 Student Blogging Challenge. I am from Portland, Oregon and was lucky enough to finish second during last year’s challenge. I’m looking forward to learning about Australia. am very glad to be your mentor this challenge.
    From, Ethan
    P.S. I like your theme, but you might try to make the title easier to read. If you like it how it is, though, keep it!